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Antenna Rotator Controller

Project NameDescriptionLicense
The K3NG Arduino Rotator ControllerArduino-based rotator interface that interfaces a computer to a rotator or rotator controller, emulating the Yaesu GS-232A/B, Easycom, and DCU-1 protocols which are supported by a myriad of logging, contest, and control programs. ?
RemoteRotatora command line application that makes your azimuth / elevation antenna rotators available on the network. It is available for Linux/Windows/MacOS and is written in the programming language Go.?
HyGain IR ControllerRemote Control for the Hy-Gain AR-500X Antenna Rotator via infrared?
hardware/rotor_controllers.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/20 20:09 by dk1mi